Code Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

How it works

How will you access our code base?
We can work with all online source control services currently available so you don't have to change any of your existing tools and/or processes to include Code Reviews from Varealis. We will also be able to help you set up Code Review access if you are unsure how to configure it for external users with more limited permissions.
How secure is our code base?

You are in complete control over how we access your code and therefore we are happy to accommodate your requirements - even if that means using the supplied hardware to do all of our reviews for you. You have full control of the accounts that we use to access your source code and so you can withdraw and/or limit access to meet your needs.

Anything that we do have access to will remain confidential, and will only be accessed when necessary to carry out the review. Also, unless given explicit permission in writing to do so for review purposes, we will never download or copy any of your code in any way.

What do your Code Reviews look for?

As standard all of our Code Reviews are looking for regular code smells and patterns that increase complexity and reduce maintainability over time, but we are also looking for potential issues or bugs which could arise from the codebase. We also check to ensure that accompanying tests are present and/or sufficient for the purpose.

More importantly, though we want to make sure that we are supporting you in the process of building the code that you want to build. To do this we work with all of our clients to understand what it is they want to look for during their Code Reviews (I.e. want standards they want to enforce and what patterns they follow) to maintain or improve code quality.

Our 'Comprehensive' Code Reviews don't just review the source code but also the original requirements/acceptance criteria in order to check (at a code level) that the code under review is delivering what is required of it. They also do an advanced analysis of the quality of any tests that accompany the changes.

Do you review all of our code?
We can help you figure out a process that you are in control of what code is and isn't submitted for a Varealis Code Review, for example, you may want to limit the reviews to specific repositories or decide that some changes do not require the additional safeguards of an external code review. While we want to offer a service that can provide a confidence that all code changes are up to a certain standard we understand that not all changes are worth the extra time that step takes, and the last thing we want to do is to delay your critical bug fixes!
What Programming Languages do you Support?
At launch, CRaaS is primarily targeted at teams working with Microsoft's .Net/.Net Core stack. Specifically C# and Asp.Net but also front end web technologies such as Javascript/Typescript. All technology stacks are different and so if you are interested in our services then please do contact us to see if we have the capacity/expertise to deliver the best service to you for your stack. As this service grows we will be looking to expand the list of first-class citizen languages to meet the needs of the industry.


Why do I need Code Reviews provided by a third party?
There are lots of reasons, but the three most common are:
A Second Opinion - Our Code Reviews provide access to an unbiased third party with a broad experience of software development which gives you the perfect opportunity to sanity-check your direction of travel before it becomes a lesson to learn from.
Better Utilise Existing Resources - The best Code Reviews are often carried out by your most expensive developers, by reducing their Code Review workload you are freeing them up to produce value doing what they do best, development.
Considering Outsourcing - Managing the output from an external Software Development team is not just about what they are delivering, but ensuring that they deliver it in a way that is still inline with you coding standards and style.
Why are your Code Reviews better than our existing ones?
Varealis has been built on a core belief that code quality matters, this is a belief that is central to everything we do. With this being our core focus we are uniquely able to concentrate on how to ensure Code Quality is consistent if not improving over time. We have lots of experience working with companies of all different shapes and sizes, and this puts us in the unique position of being able to observe and learn from several projects and different styles all at once. We are then able to bring you the lessons learned by other companies in similar positions to make sure you don't suffer from making the same mistakes.
We don't currently have a Code Reviewing Process, can you help us set one up?
Of course! We will put some time aside so that we can work with you and your teams to find a process that suits your needs. We can also offer some training/support for developers who may initially be apprehensive of change/extra oversight. Hopefully, after a period of time working with us, your developers will have gained enough experience to carry out effective reviews themselves.

Great code builds great companies.

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